Essential Oil Blends for Refreshing Mind, Body & Spirit

Essential Oil Blends for Refreshing Mind, Body & Spirit

The only predictable thing in life is unpredictability. Each day comes with a unique set of challenges and joys. As you go about living your days, staying in a balanced emotional state and optimistic mindset is not the easiest. It is natural to feel restless, low, confused, and anxious when stress takes over. 

Nevertheless, finding creative ways to evoke a sense of resilience and positivity during the phases of change and crises is important.  

Essential Oil Blends for Refreshing Mind, Body & Spirit

Aromatherapy with essential oils is a renowned and reinvigorating procedure to refresh the mind, body, and spirit. The natural and non-toxic essential oils’ aromas are ultimate mood setters. You just have to decide what kind of mindset you want to get into. They promote feelings of happiness, joy, focus, relaxation, confidence, reassurance, peace, and more! You can take charge of the ambiance of your space with the unique aromas of essential oils.

Let’s find out which essential oil blends would help usher in the energy you want to experience:

  1. Essential Oil Blend for Promoting Joy and Harmony

Scents that are uplifting, energizing, and vibrant have the power to inspire hope and happiness. They encourage settled feelings, emotional stability, mental alertness, and self-esteem. In the essential oil world, such joy-enhancing and invigorating aromas are found in lemon oil, orange oil, and peppermint oil. To use these oils in the form of a blend, take the help of the following recipe for diffuser:

Add the oils to the diffuser and turn it on in a well-ventilated space of your home or office. Diffuse for 15-20 minutes in one session.

  1. Essential Oil Blend for Tranquil Atmosphere

It is not unusual to crave a moment of peace and tranquility in the hectic and uncertain routines. If anything, the time spent reconnecting with one’s spirit makes the journey to emotional healing and harmony easy and simple. Find that calm and serenity in soothing and relaxing aromas of lavender oil, frankincense oil, and geranium oil. Here is an essential oil blend for diffuser:

Mix the oils well in a 2ml glass bottle. Shake well and add the blend to the diffuser. Modify the recipe as per the size of the diffuser. 

frankincense-oil-for-relaxation and-good-night-sleep
  1. Essential Oil Blend for Relaxation and Better Sleep

The fragrances of lavender oil, chamomile oil, and cedarwood oil are known to promote better sleep and relaxation. Lavender oil is the most popular one in this lot. It has a pleasant, romantic, and soothing aroma that eases you into dreamland and enhances the feelings of relaxation. Chamomile oil exudes a divinely comforting and calming aroma that soothes feelings of nervousness and agitation. 

Whereas cedarwood oil carries a woody and camphoraceous odor that is therapeutic for tensed and exhausted minds. With the fusion of these oils, the perfect essential oil blend recipe mentioned below would help you snooze into dreamland:

Thoroughly mix the oils and add them to the diffuser. Diffuse the blend before bedtime to promote a restful night’s sleep. 

Essential Oil Blend to Ease Tension, Stress, and Headaches
  1. Essential Oil Blend to Ease Tension, Stress, and Headaches

Instead of depending on a cup of coffee or tea every time you have a headache, diffuse mind-easing aromas of rosemary oil, basil oil, and lavender oil. Their refreshing and energizing scents soothe congested airways, promote head ease, and calm you during moments of stress and confusion.  An essential oil blend recipe for roller bottle is as follows:

Into a 10ml Roller Bottle, add:

Shake the bottle well before each use. Rub the bottle on your chest to inhale the scent deeply. Store it away from direct light and heat.

  1. Essential Oil Blend to Encourage Focus and Clarity

For better focus, concentration, and mental clarity, the vibrant and bright aromas of lemongrass oil, orange oil, and bergamot oil are beneficial. Diffuse these oils to improve energy levels when you are trying to avoid distraction and procrastination but attention is hard to maintain. An easy recipe would be:

Add the oils to the diffuser. Diffuse it while working at home or in your office to promote productivity and creativity.

Everything from waking up fresh in the morning to going to sleep with a relaxed mind, essential oils improve almost all activities of the day. Nexon Botanics’ is committed to encourage mindfulness and enhance overall wellbeing with pure, natural, and organic essential oils. Shop now to live life holistically!

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